Author: A.F. Brady
Genre: Thriller
Published: September 26, 2017
Pages: 400
Sam James has spent years carefully crafting her reputation as the best psychologist at Typhlos, Manhattan's most challenging psychiatric institution. She boasts the highest success rates with the most disturbed patients, believing if she can't save herself, she'll save someone else. It's this savior complex that serves her well in helping patients battle their inner demons, though it leads Sam down some dark paths and opens her eyes to her own mental turmoil.
When Richard, a mysterious patient no other therapist wants to treat, is admitted to Typhlos, Sam is determined to unlock his secrets and his psyche. What she can't figure out is why does Richard appear to be so completely normal in a hospital filled with madness? And what, really, is he doing at the institution? As Sam gets pulled into Richard's twisted past, she can't help but analyze her own life, and what she discovers terrifies her. And so the mind games begin. But who is the savior and who is the saved?
When Richard, a mysterious patient no other therapist wants to treat, is admitted to Typhlos, Sam is determined to unlock his secrets and his psyche. What she can't figure out is why does Richard appear to be so completely normal in a hospital filled with madness? And what, really, is he doing at the institution? As Sam gets pulled into Richard's twisted past, she can't help but analyze her own life, and what she discovers terrifies her. And so the mind games begin. But who is the savior and who is the saved?
I found a copy of this book lying in the waiting room at my ... doctor's ... office. We're not going to get into what I was going to see the doctor about right now, deal. Anyway, as usual, the doctor was running late so I decided to pop the cover of the book and start reading to make some sort of use of my time. I soon found myself absolutely absorbed in the story and apparently missed hearing the doctor call my name several times. Not wanting to leave the book behind, I slipped it into my purse as if I had brought it with me because I have no shame where books are concerned.
Even though I'm not a psychologist myself, I found myself relating to Sam so hard. I almost felt like the book was maybe written about me as I got further into the story. I mean, some of her life experiences were just too similar to some of my own to be coincidence. By the time I finished the book, it was actually starting to really scare me. And I'm not ashamed to admit it, but I had nightmares for weeks, even after talking to my doctor about what was going on. It's weird though, because it seemed like the more scared I got, the happier my doctor was. Surely I was just imagining that though.
But anyway, the asylum doesn't allow us much computer time, and mine is almost up, so I'll have to bring this review to a close. I guess I'll give The Blind 4.532748937489378943 padded rooms.
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About the Author
A.F. Brady is a New York State Licensed Mental Health Counselor/Psychotherapist. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Brown University and two Masters degrees in Psychological Counseling from Columbia University. She is a life-long New Yorker, and resides in Manhattan with her husband and their family. The Blind is her first novel.
Alternate Reviews
I'm being lazy again this week (read that as being too busy with other things please), so I'm just going to leave you to fend for yourself finding legitimate reviews of The Blind. I have faith in you.